[HTB] Pennyworth

This box was easier compared to the previous two I attempted. However, I still referred to the provided walkthrough. I am trying to apply a top-down approach to my learning as a mentor advised me to. I feel too dependent on resources because I am not confident in my skills yet and have always relied on guided learning. I admit there is not shortcut; trial and error will benefit me in the long run.

What does the acronym CVE stand for?

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures

What do the three letters in CIA, referring to the CIA traid in cybersecurity, stand for?

Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability

When I was studying for the CompTIA Security+ certification, the CIA triad was emphasized repeatedly throughout the course. I’m grateful for this question as it reminds me again of this important cybersecurity principle.

What is the version of the service running on port 8080?

Jetty 9.4.39.v20210325

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What version of Jenkins is running on the target?


I couldn’t determine the Jenkins version from the nmap scan results. The hint suggested checking the bottom right corner of the admin page, implying I needed admin access. I didn’t know the admin credentials, but the walkthrough recommended searching for common weak credential pairs. The combination that worked was root:password.

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What type of script is accepted as input on the Jenkins Script Console?


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What would the String cmd variable from the Groovy Script snippet be equal to if the Target VM was running Windows?


I thought having access to a script console implies we need to create a reverse shell, meaning the target will initiate a connection back to our attacker VM. I referred to the Java version of the Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet because the Groovy script uses Java syntax. The Java Alternative 1 option shows that String cmd variable is equal to cmd.exe in Windows.

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What is a different command than ip a we could use to display our network interfaces’ information on Linux?


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What switch should we use with netcat for it to use UDP transport mode?


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What is the term used to describe making a target host initiate a connection back to the attacker host?

reverse shell

Submit root flag


Since the target was linux based, I had to change the String cmd="cmd.exe" to String cmd="/bin/bash". Before sending the payload, I started netcat to receive the reverse shell using the command: nc -lvnp 1234. I personally specified the port 1234 in the payload, and netcat was set to listen on that port.

After sucessfully receiving the reverse shell, I was able to locate the flag on the target host.

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#Hack The Box