[HTB] Ignition

Which service version is found to be running on port 80?

nginx 1.14.2

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What is the 3-digit HTTP status code returned when you visit http://{machine IP}/?


curl -v

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What is the virtual host name the webpage expects to be accessed by?


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What is the full path to the file on a Linux computer that holds a local list of domain name to IP address pairs?


the ignition.htb address and its corresponding IP address is added to the file as an entry

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Use a tool to brute force directories on the webserver. What is the full URL to the Magento login page?


I ran a gobuster to brute force directories on the web server and found that /admin url navigates us to the Magento login page.

gobuster dir -u http://ignition.htb -w /usr/share/dirbuster/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt

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Look up the password requirements for Magento and also try searching for the most common passwords of 2023. Which password provides access to the admin account?


As you can see from the search result, Magento requires a minimum of seven chracters (both letters and numbers). From the list of most common passwords of 2023, only passwords that contain both letters and numbers are: qwerty123 and 1q2w3e. However, the latter has only 6 characters.

username: admin, password: qwerty123. The pair worked!

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Submit root flag


I’ve tried looking everywhere on the web page. It turned out the flag was on the main dashboard page. haha

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#Hack The Box